After Day One


United States 2083, John Howe is a genetic, and cybernetic, enhanced cyber operations solider who came home After Day One only to find the country he fought for broken, and his wife and son murdered. By 2096 he rebuilt his home and was trying to live a comfortable life on the outskirts of the Free Territories, the Pacific North West.That was before Sierra and Quinn. Twin thirteen year old orphans he was saddled with the minute he saved them from a fat, greasy, gypsy couple holding them. Now he’s a man who is just trying to get rid of them before they all end up dead.As fate would have it, a super soldier and two kids with abilities that could save the country, and maybe earth, are going to be hard to separate.The world is fragmented and looking for a hero. Some heroes come in rough packaging.

Category: Books
ISBN: 9781513701714
After Day One