Battle Angel Alita: Last Order Omnibus 5


THE SHOW MUST GO ONAfter nearly being canceled, the Z.O.T.T. resumes and now inches towards its conclusion with the Space Angels going head-to-head against new, formidable opponents that push their combative skills to the limit. With Alita jumping back into the fray, the independence of Tiphares and the scrapyard are depending on her victory, and with her new, seemingly unstoppable abilities, triumph seems to be nearly at hand for the Space Angels.  However, behind the scenes, Mbadi and other nefarious entities are plotting to turn things around on Alita and her friends as the Z.O.T.T. continues into its final round.

Category: Comics
Author: Yukito Kishiro
ISBN: 9781612622958
Battle Angel Alita: Last Order Omnibus 5