Code Flicker


Subdermal chips that transmit medical code directly to a person’s brain was big pharma’s greatest development, promising a world free from addiction.It didn’t work out that way. Jacob Quince is a hacker, a “code flicker,” barely getting by selling illegal medical code on the streets and in the clubs. He just got off probation and wants something more in life but sees no way out. Then, an offer from a mysterious man known only as Johnson gives him a chance.It seems simple enough. He and his friends have to devise a plan to break into one of the largest pharmatech megacorporations in the world and steal their latest experimental subdermal chip and code. But nothing is ever that easy. Full of action and strong character development, Code Flicker offers a near future, transhuman, high tech low life world perfect for cyberpunk and technothriller fans alike.

Category: Books
Author: Marlin Seigman
Code Flicker