Cyberpunk: The Big Book of Hardware, Software, Wetware, Revolution and Evolution


Before email, before 'the web', before hackers and GPS and sexting, before titanium implants, before Google Goggles, before Siri, and before each and every one of us carried a computer in our pockets, there was cyberpunk, and science fiction was never the same. Cyberpunk writers, serious, smart, and courageous in the face of change, exposed the naiveté of a society rushing headlong into technological unknowns. Technology could not save us, they argued, and it might in fact ruin us. Now, thirty years after The Movement party-crashed the science fiction scene, the cyberpunk reality has largely come to be. The future they imagined is here.Contents: * Introduction (Cyberpunk: Stories of Hardware, Software, Wetware, Revolution and Evolution) • essay by Victoria Blake * Johnny Mnemonic (1981) / short story by William Gibson * Mozart in Mirrorshades (1985) / short story by Lewis Shiner and Bruce Sterling * Interview with the Crab (2005) / short fiction by Jonathan Lethem * El Pepenador / short fiction by Benjamin Parzybok * Down and Out in the Year 2000 (1986) / short story by Kim Stanley Robinson * Getting to Know You [North American Future] (1997) / novelette by David Marusek * User-Centric (1999) / short story by Bruce Sterling * The Blog at the End of the World (2008) / short story by Paul Tremblay * Memories of Moments, Bright as Falling Stars (2006) / short story by Cat Rambo * Rock On (1984) / short story by Pat Cadigan * Blue Clay Blues (1992) / novelette by Gwyneth Jones * The Lost Technique of Blackmail (2009) / short fiction by Mark Teppo * Fall of the House of Escher / short fiction by Greg Bear (variant of The Fall of the House of Escher 1996) * Soldier, Sailor (1990) / short story by Lewis Shiner * The Nostalgist (2009) / short story by Daniel H. Wilson * The Jack Kerouac Disembodied School of Poetics (1982) / short story by Rudy Rucker * Mr. Boy (1990) / novella by James Patrick Kelly * Wolves of the Plateau (1988) / short story by John Shirley * Life in the Anthropocene (2010) / short story by Paul Di Filippo * When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth (2006) / novelette by Cory Doctorow.

Category: Stories
Author: Victoria Blake
ISBN: 9781937163082
Cyberpunk: The Big Book of Hardware, Software, Wetware, Revolution and Evolution