Deadly In Pink: A Cyberpunk Novella


Before she was a wise-cracking Street Samurai, Ynna was agenetically modified designer baby perfectly crafted for the pride of herparents. After an unfortunate event forces her to leave the lap of luxury forthe mean streets of BA City, she has to learn to fend for herself.With nothing more than her wits and a desire to unlock herpotential, Ynna discovers that the world is not what she thought it was. Withthe help of some local kids, a slimy weapons dealer and a kind man who offersher shelter, she makes opportunities out of hardship. While difficulties andpoor decision-making dog her steps, she is forced to unlock a strength she hadwithin her all along.How does a young person trade in their silver spoon for amachine gun?Find out in Deadly in A Cyberpunk Novella.

Category: Books
Deadly In Pink: A Cyberpunk Novella