Holy Fire


Holy Fire is the story of an old woman who has gained a second youth—in a world in which radical life extension is available through highly intrusive technological means—and who has an ontological transformation as a result.

The story is set in a post-plague 21st century where advanced medical technology has created a gerontocratic society dominated by cautious, wealthy elderly citizens who have access to life-extension treatments.

Category: Books
Author: Bruce Sterling
ISBN: 9780553575491
Holy Fire


The novel follows Mia Ziemann, a 94-year-old medical economist living in the United States. After undergoing an experimental medical procedure called "post-human" treatment in Texas, she experiences a radical physical and mental transformation that leads her to abandon her careful, structured life. Taking on the new identity of Maya, she travels to Europe, exploring bohemian art scenes and youth culture while grappling with questions of identity, mortality, and the meaning of life.