Kael Jai: Outcast


His name is Kael Jai. He'd been cast out from his own world after losing a long battle against the madman named Jindom, thrown to Earth through a portal, abandoned to fend for himself, alone and alienated from his people. Alienated. Alien. That's what he was considered in this world. An alien. An unknown. It was hard to think of himself as alien, or even different. But to these people on this planet, he was an anomaly, something to be feared, perhaps even dissected. The Priejsthaed had sent him to Earth for his own protection. They thought he would be safe there. They were wrong. Jindom had discovered his location and now Kael Jai must not only fight for his life but also find a way to restore peace on his home-world of Trinoor. And save Earth from the powerful war machines sent there to kill him.

Category: Books
Author: E.J. Deen
Kael Jai: Outcast