Karma Worm


A series of murders have become a sensation across the country. Known as the "Centipede Murders", no one knows where the forum legend came from, who started it, or how many murderers there are. While some worship the symbol spreading across the internet, others are baffled as to the reasons behind the murders. Identifying information thought to be tucked away safely within government archives is deleted, leaving authorities with little to go on. With such an elusive and invisible entity controlling the fates of what is assumed to be random citizens, a girl in tune with cyberspace more so than the average person has finally uncovered a mysterious code that might just be the entry into discovering what the Centipede is and why it does what it does. Aided by her sister, she goes off the grid and starts her private battle using her gifted brain to unravel the secrets everyone wants to know.

Category: Books
Author: Tobey Truestory
ISBN: 9781387297771
Karma Worm