Killtopia, Vol 3


Killtopia takes you to neon-soaked future Japan; a high-tech metropolis overrun by killer mecha, ruthless yakuza gangs and cutthroat soldiers of fortune. Enter Shinji, a rookie mech hunter and his robot sidekick Crash, as they fight to cure a deadly nano-disease.Raise total hell! Shinji and Crash are reunited after an explosive siege at Stiletto Corp. Now, Crash must use his code to cure the Rot, a disease that has crippled humanity.Meanwhile, wrecker champion Stiletto has an identity crisis after a near-death experience leaves her celebrity status in tatters. Far away, a dire new threat is stirring deep within the ruins of Killtopia. Yurei, a malfunctioning line of companion dolls, has developed a god complex and seems set to rewrite the human species forever...

Category: Comics
Author: Dave Cook
ISBN: 9781910775288
Killtopia, Vol 3