The Game continues after your death


"Jean-Daniel Magnin has achieved the incredible feat of writing a story where all the sliders of video game culture are pushed to the max." SELL - French syndicate of leisure publishersHere are three intimate notebooks discovered on the body of the young Thout' Nielsporte, the most defiant of online gamers—this same Thout' who had chosen to live in the Metaverse since the age of thirteen. He quickly became an eccentric leader who sparked the hardcore gamers' rebellion and hacked the biggest online role-playing games, merging them into one. This is how Free Pangea was born, a prosperous libertarian digital galaxy, affectionately called "Big Pizza" by its millions of inhabitants. Thout' was its prince. And it could have lasted forever, but strange comas began to affect certain players, and a massive bug suddenly forced millions of Nolifers back into the real world. Sheltering in an old warehouse as endless rain drummed against the roof, Thout' scribbled in his notebooks to ensure the memory of these crazy worlds and their glory would live on. As he wrote, memories erased by his own coma began to resurface, and he slowly recalled a patch released by the former game publishers to reestablish their control over the Metaverse—a patch that promised the to transfer both his soul and body into his avatar, and keep playing the Game even after death..."Sex, drugs, and a gripping novel that flirts with both a Philip K. Dick freed from his unsettling pessimism and the wild inventions of Futurama. It’s bursting with quirky and brilliant ideas." Glossolalia"This text is like a mega tub of Ben & Jerry' it's Christmas in your mouth, the Big Bang in your heart." Lady in Hat"An extraordinary text. I hadn't read 10 pages before I was stunned. A thriller about all the codes of video game usage, our intimate relationship with technology—a sort of giant allegory of this great abyss of the world. Everything here is perfectly logical, from the first to the last line, according to the essential laws of speculative thrillers." François Bon"Jean-Daniel Magnin is the worthy heir of the Romantic authors when he prompts his readers to question what reality truly is." The Litterary Hut"You dive into this book and can’t pull yourself out. But where does the game begin, and where does real life end? And is it a virtual or real death? Yes, it takes place in the gaming universe. But at its core, it’s the story of a man with a dream. A man who can’t cope with real life." Whatdoyouread?"From now on, you are called Thout' Nielsporte... You no longer know what is meant by reality. And you like that." A daily stroll"A dense plot set within the revolution of virtual worlds, the notebooks of Thout' Nielsporte bring a delicate poetry to science fiction. This book is filled with references to the video game world and the industry around it."

Category: Books
ISBN: 9782959663307
The Game continues after your death