Thieves Emporium


WELCOME TO THE NEW BADLANDSFawn got to the shelter too late for dinner, so the most she hoped for was a safe place to sleep. But a stranger made her an offer she couldn't refuse. When she left the next morning, she had a ticket to a new world filled with hope, opportunity, and danger.Welcome, Fawn, to the New Badlands. Beyond the reach of any government. Without laws or regulations of any kind.Where everyone is free.But no one is safe.This is the story of a young mother's attempt to survive in a new digital land. Follow her as she becomes a pioneer, a smuggler, a spy, and a freedom-fighter while dodging forces that threaten to destroy the foundations of the modern nation-state.The characters in this novel are fictional. The place is not. It's growing up around you like the cracks in the armor of the new surveillance state.Read about it now, while you still can.

Category: Books
Author: Max Hernández
ISBN: 9780988703018
Thieves Emporium