

Bounty hunters from the future transport a doomed race car driver to New York City in 2009, where his mind will be replaced with that of a dead billionaire.

Category: Movies
Runtime: 1h 50m
Director: Geoff Murphy
Country: United States


Auto racer Alex Furlong (Emilio Estevez) is snatched by time travel, a split second before a fatal explosion, by Vasendak's (Mick Jagger's) twenty-first century team of techies, who plan to sell his healthy body to an ailing rich man at McCandless Corporation, for a mind transfer. He escapes, but has no rights in this nightmare future of violence and sleaze. The story concerns his survival, and his attempt to revive his relationship with his fiancée Julie (Rene Russo), now fifteen years older and an executive at McCandless.