

Greenside is the story of a giant biodome, Greenside, built upon the ravaged urban city formerly known as Greenside City. Jackson Sims is a young renegade refugee who has been kicked out of Greenside, but must return to find medicine for his ailing girlfriend, Acacia. After entering the biodome, Jackson finds he is not only fighting for Acacia's life, but his own as well. Constantly under fire from the biodome's security force, Jackson trudges his way through the dystopia to find his brother, Lachlan Sims, who is still a respected member of Greenside's society. Each brother must decide if they want to stand for their own cause or for each other when society begins closing in...

Category: Shorts
Runtime: 42m
Director: Niko Pueringer
Country: United States


The film is a sequel to zero trooper f, however the characters are different and it also is more action then its prequel. It follows the story that after an alien attack on the city of greenside it was left destroyed and diseased, the zero troopers created in the first film turned against their people and shoot anyone who is found with the new virus...